“Escha Aristotela” is an all Hellenic pseudonym, which means “the best self-realization on the edge or margin”.
“Escha” refers to “marginal category” for cognitive linguistics and “marginal utility” for Austrian economics. What is a marginal category? An atypical sub-category of a certain super-category, such as ostrich among birds. No matter how to categorize myself, I can only find my place on the margin. Why? I detect, for me, the marginal utility of each domain diminishes as I invest more time in it. I don’t believe I need the very details of paleontology, historical linguistics and world history, if my purpose is to extract a philosophy of History (Geschichte) from them. Noteworthy, I have nothing against the division of labor and specialization. It’s just a special specialty to play the role of linkage between all the domains, isn’t it? So, I realize myself as a polymath & philosopher-entrepreneur.
“Aristotelā” is the feminization of “Aristotelēs”.
Its Japanese translation is 叶至縁 (Kanetari Yukari), which sounds the same as 兼垂紫, alias as a homage to Mozi.
“Yukari” means “connection”. So the best statement about my personality:
“Creativity is just connecting things.” – Steve Jobs
As a convergent node
The nodes converging into me
You can best learn who I am through whom I read. Each of them is (not was) “a happy warrior and a mind like a diamond”. I love so lovely an expression from Coincidentally, it’s like my nijigen virtual image:
Aristotelēs | * |
墨子 (Mozi) | * |
杨子 (Yangzi) | * |
Hēracleitos | * |
Dēmocritos | * |
Epicouros | * |
Arthur Schopenhauer | Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung Parerga und Paralipomena |
Friedrich Nietzsche | Götzen-Dämmerung Jenseits von Gut und Böse Zur Genealogie der Moral Die Philosophie im tragischen Zeitalter der Griechen Schopenhauer als Erzieher Ecce Homo Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Historie für das Leben Menschliches, Allzumenschliches Morgenröthe Die fröhliche Wissenschaft Also sprach Zarathustra |
Martin Heidegger | Nietzsche Sein und Zeit Einleitung in die Philosophie Einführung in die phänomenologische Forschung Wegmarken Holzwege Unterwegs zur Sprache Die Grundprobleme der Phänomenologie Die Grundbegriffe der antiken Philosophie |
Karl Jaspers | Nietzsche: Einführung in das Verständnis seines Philosophierens Vernunft und Existenz Einführung in die Philosophie Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte Die großen Philosophen |
Gilles Deleuze | Nietzsche et la philosophie Mille plateaux Différence et répétition Qu’est-ce que la philosophie ? L’Anti–Œdipe |
Simone de Beauvoir | Mémoires d’une jeune fille rangée Le deuxième sexe La longue marche : essai sur la Chine |
Ludwig von Mises | Bureaucracy The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality Human Action: A Treatise on Economics Theory and History Liberalismus Politique économique |
Murray N. Rothbard | Man, Economy, and State Power and Market The Ethics of Liberty Anatomy of the State For a New Liberty – The Libertarian Manifesto An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays Making Economic Sense Economic Controversies Education Free & Compulsory |
Ayn Rand (Алиса Розенбаум) | Atlas Shrugged For the New Intellectual The Virtue of Selfishness |
… | (Updating) |
Other minds I prefer:
《孟子》Mengzi | * |
A Study of History | A. J. Toynbee |
Die Idee der Phänomenologie | Edmund Husserl |
L’évolution créatrice | Henri Bergson |
L’aventure sémiologique Leçon | Roland Barthes |
Cours de linguistique générale | Ferdinand de Saussure |
La phénoménologie | Jean-François Lyotard |
An Agorist Primer New Libertarian Manifesto | S. E. Konkin III |
Die Weltreligionen: Konfuzianismus und Taoismus | Max Weber |
* | Diogenes Laërtius |
(Updating) | … |